Steep Slope

Commercial Roof Development

Commercial property development and construction demand careful consideration of several factors: purpose, land, location, and structure type. Comprehensive planning and collaboration are essential when mapping out a building’s design, infrastructure, and the materials used during construction. 

We’re concerned about roof architecture and design, ensuring the selected system delivers reliably and durably. 

Due to its aesthetic appeal and functionality, a steep slope roof is often the first choice for many commercial buildings. Owners, architects, general contractors, and roofing consultants select steep slope roofs because of their versatility and durability, which offer a strong return on investment now and in the future. 

As a leading authority in steep slope roofing, Bigham Taylor Roofing (BT Roof) offers unparalleled expertise, innovative solutions, and exceptional service to meet the unique challenges of steep slope roof projects. 

In this article, we explore the unique challenges of sleep slope roofs, the importance of proper engineering and installation, and how BT Roof delivers superior quality and service while working on them.

Definition and characteristics of steep slope roofs

 Steep slope roofs are architectural elements characterized by a pitch greater than 3:12 (where for every 12 units of horizontal distance, the rise is at least three units). This steep angle allows for efficient shedding of rainwater and snow, reducing the risk of water pooling and damage and enhancing longevity.

Known for their aesthetic appeal and superior water-shedding properties, steep-slope roofs are found on churches, malls, commercial buildings, multi-unit residential properties, ski resorts, storage facilities, and restaurants. Unlike low-slope roofs, steep-sloped roofs often feature architectural elements such as gables, dormers, and intricate roof shapes, adding visual interest to the building’s exterior.

Steep slope roofing materials


In standard steep-slope roofing systems, materials such as asphalt shingles, roofing tiles (clay and concrete), wood shingles, or metal panels are commonly used to withstand gravity and weather challenges.

Asphalt composition shingles are one of the more flexible steep roofing options, thanks to the material’s durability, weather resistance, Class ‘A’ fire rating, and style options. Metal roofing is distinctive, durable, fire-resistant, and energy efficient, making it a smart choice for buildings that want both a clean style and energy efficiency. Wood shingles and shakes, available in many grades and thicknesses, are a classic roofing choice for specific custom decorative applications.

BT Roof has in-depth knowledge of various roofing materials suitable for such applications, including shingles, clay roof tiles, metal panels, and shakes. They understand the characteristics and performance of these materials in different environmental conditions.

The unique challenges posed by steep slope commercial roofing projects


Steep slope roofing projects present a handful of unique challenges that set them apart from other roofing systems. Because of the larger scale of the structures and potential complexity in design and installation, these projects require special expertise and safety measures.


The first challenge is ensuring the structural integrity of the roof and roof deck since a steep slope roof requires additional materials. The architect and engineer must double-check the building’s foundational ability to handle the extra weight of the roof. 


During installation — and subsequent inspections and repairs — worker safety on steep surfaces is a must since the risk of falls and accidents increases with incline. Materials transportation and installation on inclines can also be challenging, requiring careful planning and coordination to avoid damage or delays, especially when dealing with heavy materials like wood shakes.

Our safety team sets up every job, coaches our crew through any new protocol, and visits job sites regularly.

The significant role environmental factors play in steep slope roofing

Environmental factors influence everything from the engineering of a roof system to material selection to maintenance requirements. 

Geographic location, climate, and exposure to natural elements all impact decisions regarding the roof’s design, engineering, material, and installation. Effective water and snow shedding are crucial considerations in regions prone to heavy rainfall or snowfall. Similarly, areas vulnerable to strong winds or hurricanes require special attention to wind resistance through proper anchoring and installation techniques.

Exposure to sunlight, UV radiation, and temperature fluctuations can also degrade roofing materials over time, highlighting the need for UV-resistant and heat-reflective options to prolong the roof’s lifespan. Sustainability considerations also come into play, with eco-friendly materials and features like solar panels or green roofs being incorporated to enhance energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

Understanding and addressing factors such as pitch, drainage, wind resistance, and architectural aesthetics are crucial to designing resilient and sustainable steep-slope roof systems that can withstand the rigors of their surroundings.

The sleep slope roof experience and expertise at BT Roof give owners, architects, and engineers decades of knowledge to leverage while creating effective, visually appealing steep-slope roofing solutions.

Bigham Taylor’s expertise and experience in handling complex projects

Constructing steep slope roofs presents a myriad of complexities that demand meticulous planning and execution. Beyond the technical challenges of ensuring structural integrity and effective water shedding, steep slope roofs require specialized expertise due to their heightened safety risks for workers.

With its customer-centric approach and exceptional service, BT Roof has quickly become the leading authority in developing steep-slope commercial roofs. The company provides unparalleled expertise, innovative solutions, and exceptional service to meet the unique challenges of such projects.

BT Roof possesses a range of expertise and experience in steep slope roofs, including:

Specialized Knowledge

Leverage extensive knowledge of roofing materials, including shingles, tiles, metal panels, and shakes.

Design Expertise

We’ve worked with experienced designers who create effective, visually appealing roofing solutions and can install their vision.

Installation Skills

Decades of knowledge and experience are on every roof, so we can often foresee and answer any challenge posed by steep inclines, ensuring precise and secure installation of roofing materials.

Safety Measures

Safety is a priority, with protocols that ensure workers are trained in proper safety procedures and equipped with appropriate safety gear.

Your trusted steep slope roof specialists

With the unique challenges and complexities involved in steep slope roofing projects, it’s crucial to work with a specialist to ensure the quality and durability of your commercial roofing system.

BT Roof is your trusted roofing applicator of reliable steep slope systems. We boast decades of experience and expertise in steep slope roofing installation on commercial, industrial, multi-unit residential, and religious buildings.

Throughout its 45-plus-year history, BT Roof has grown and prospered thanks to its relationships with property owners, roofing consultants, and general contractors. Our commitment to transparency and honesty is what fosters long-lasting relationships.

How Can We Help? Let’s discuss your roofing needs, and let the team at BT deliver steep-slope roofing systems you can rely on.

The first thing we
build is relationships

The longevity, growth, and success of Bigham Taylor Roofing over the past 45-plus years are thanks to our relationships with property owners and managers, roofing consultants, and general contractors. We deliver transparency and honesty to foster solid and long-lasting relationships.